Christianity is not a 'me' thing, but a 'we' thing.
When we live in life giving community, we are strengthened, encouraged, built up, and we grow to become the people God calls us to be.
It's amazing that you are considering finding a group to join! Here are some tips to finding one!
1. Have a look through the current different groups. Read the descriptions, see what day and time's they meet. See one that takes your fancy? Make sure they have space and click the sign up button.
2. Fill in your details - Make sure you are Signed up to ChurchSuite.
3. The group leader will get in touch and invite you along to their next gathering.
4. Give it a go! See how the first visit goes, its not a lifelong commitment, you are free to try other groups, they won't be offended.
5. Can't find one that fits? Need some match-making? Contact Pete and Emma our connect group coordinators and they will do their best to find you a group. Send them an Email with your details.
6. Interested in leading a group? Contact Pete and Emma and they will be in touch. Send them an Email with your details.
What does a connect group look like?
All our connect groups look different. Some meet in homes for a bible study, some have lots of socials, some are based on the sermon notes, some are based around an interest or age group.
How often do they meet?
Each group has a different feel. Some meet weekly, fortnightly, monthly. Finds one that fits with you. We believe that the best way to grow is to meet regularly.
How come I can't join a group?
Each group leader decides their capacity. Some are full simply due to the restrictions on the size of peoples lounges! If one is full why not try another to see if it fits.
The group isn't a right fit for me, can I join another?
Yes. You are free to change groups whenever you like. Just let the group leader know, they won't be offended!
Can I join more than one group?
Interested in leading a group?
We are a growing church family that is always looking for new connect groups to start. Do you feel prompted to lead/host a group and help people connect with each other and God? We'd love to get in touch with you.
If you'd like to hear more then you can get in touch with Pete & Emma are connect group coordinators -
We would encourage you to focus on one group unless its different such as an interest one and a bible study.